Newspaper Interviews

The day continues... Later that afternoon, after teaching, after the award ceremony, and after parent teacher conferences, I found myself in my principal's office being interviewed by Betsy Hammond of the Oregonian. I was also interviewed by Anne Williams from the Register Guard. Having never been interviewed for anything other than a school publication, it was quite an experience. Both reporters were fun to talk with, and had many great questions.

You can view the articles here:
The Oregonian
The Register Guard

October 27th, 2009 ~ Surprise!!

What a great day! I should have known something was up Monday night when I read the email about a surprise assembly for my Principal, Wally Bryant. However, I had no idea what was about to happen at school Tuesday morning.

I went to school, and started my day. No big deal. At recess I gave my students directions to line up after and I would take them into the assembly. As I walked outside my students were scattered. Frantically, I began to look for them, and realized they did not follow directions, and they went in without me. So I entered the gym, wondering why my 4th graders ignored my directions???

To my right there were news cameras from all over the city. Still looking for my students who were inter-dispersed throughout the gym I ignored everyone, except the voice who said, “Donna bring your class here." I said, "I would if I could find them!” Then I looked up and sitting across the gym, across the south wall was my entire family. My dad, Cindy, Robert, Peggy, Jared, Kaitlynn, and Zachary were all there. As soon as I saw two-dozen roses in my dad’s arms I knew this assembly was the big announcement. At that moment I entered a dream like state. Some people call it a surreal feeling. Everything began to move in slow motion, and adrenaline took over my body. I walked over to Susan and Kim and whispered, "you know, it was your letters which made this happen!” Just about that time Wally walked over to me and gave me a hug. He asked, “You know what this is right? Are you going to be ok?” I was told later I turned bright red as the realization of the moment began to sink in.

I stood there listening to Susan Castillio announce my name as Oregon Teacher of the Year. As she talked about my experiences, I began to cry, and then I pulled myself together because I knew it would be me speaking next. It truly felt like a dream. I thanked Susan and the selection committee for giving me this honor. I thanked the amazing teachers I am blessed to work with everyday, and then I turned my attention to the students I love so much! I told them the one thing they should strive to do is find their passion in life, and follow it. If they do this they will be blessed to never really work a single day in their lives. I told them I was blessed to teach them.

I held up my award for all the students to see. They were more interested in getting their hands on the giant sized check. I must admit, the size of it standing on end, was as tall or taller than most of my 4th graders! Then, it was time to be interviewed by the press. Yikes, I normally avoid the press because I am always so scared I will say something wrong. There was no getting out of this! My students were great. They sat on the gym floor and watched silently as their teacher approached the semi-circle of reporters standing at the back of the gym waiting patiently for me. A reporter walked up to me and asked me to put the small microphone inside my shirt. That made me laugh, and I began to relax as I turned away from my students and fumbled with the microphone.

Then they began asking all sorts of questions. Talk about being put on the spot with NO warning. They asked how I was feeling and what I would do with the money. They asked what advice I would give to first year teachers, and the rest of the questions entered into the foggy mist of the surreal world I was immersed in at the moment. It was almost like a dream where I was watching myself and not really there.

Then the moment was over, and the excitement of the kids became a reality. The newspaper reporters, and photographers, wanted to follow me up to my classroom and all I could think about was how in the world would I calm my class down in front of all these strangers? Especially now, being named teacher of the year, I better be REALLY good because all eyes are on me. Yikes

After all the excitement, the afternoon was spent conducting 6 previously scheduled parent/teacher conferences! Just as in theater, teachers know the show must go on! And, as teachers we don't mind because we love what we do!